THE CONCEPT ABOUT DEATH Many people are frightened of the death. When you learn the U.E. techniques, you can help many people to recover from serious sicknesses. However, some people cannot surpass their fate; but when receiving our energy, they would die in peace, silence, and bliss. Some people have understood that death is the transformation to another period; therefore, it is nothing to worry about. The only matter is by loving their families; many people worried that no one helps their families while they had been gone forever. Though, when we completed all duties, our souls will change to a different material body or will be back with God, and then we will be in happiness — no more worries and fears. That happiness is from God helping us understand that we have learned and contributed for life. After death, we will go back to God to learn more and then come back to life on earth to contribute for humanity. Therefore, we will be secured in the matter of living or death. Very few U.E. brothers and sisters are frightened of the death because they have understood about it.พลังจักรวาล_7.jpg9851000admin 02:12:522020-11-24 10:46:42The concept about death
The general Bylaws to be used for all Worldwide Centers and Annexes, as approved by Prof. Dr. Sir Master Luong Minh Dang, M.D.(T.M.),Ph.D.,D.Sc.,K.St.J. (Knight Commander).
DEFINITION; This is a method of applying Universal Energy as a healing and preventive tool to promote health.
TRAINING COURSES: In general, the Training Courses are designed to make this tool available to the people who are interested. We only provide the guideline, and the practitioners are the ones who decide the effectiveness of this teaching through their personal applications. There are several key points we make sure the students understand when they attend the classes:
We do not prescribe any form of chemical substance nor medication, and we do not propose any dietary program.
We work in conjunction with the current medical standard, and we do not give advice on medical related issues, such as continuing with chemotherapy, undergoing surgery, etc. We strongly recommend the clients to consult with their physicians on these matters.
We can apply this technique to help other people upon their request. If there is a request and we are not available, we can decline or wait until we are free. There is no obligation, a person can learn this technique simply for his/her own health and if he/she does not wish to help anyone there is no problem, he/she can still transfer energy to heal effectively.
We always make sure the students understand this is not a religion. This method is an alternative way to help mankind discover another aspect of the latent potentials of the human mind and body. Through the study and practice, we can develop our knowledge to have a better view about life from both – physical and spiritual per spectives.
We offer This method to alTpeople without any discrimination in regard to color, race, religion, sex, politics or physical handicap. Anyone can learn Universal Energy Healing, under one condition that he/she must be at least 14 years old.
We can transfer energy to help anyone who requests it and the service is totally free of charge. We do not make demands when people ask us to transfer energy to heal them.